About Me

I am currently a Computer Science graduate student from University of Denver. Previously, I got an Objected Oriented Software Development certificate and a master degree in Public Relations. I'm passionate about technology and determined to lean in. Delving into the computer science field is such an exciting challenge and it becomes my new career goal. Successful working experience in China Telecom and a technology startup has prepared me for fascinating technology innovation and development. Studying programming knowledge has equipped me with various skills to realize the fancy ideas and transform them into what people can use everyday and everywhere.

What I Share

I’ve been very much enjoying the excitement and achievement I’m experiencing during studying Computer Science and anything new. Inspired by Sheryl Sandberg (COO of facebook), I believe women should lean in. Lean in the technology innovation, development, and the leading positions. I believe that females, can contribute greatly to product development to satisfy users and succeed in technology industries.


University of Denver

Computer Science Graduate Student Sep 2016 to Present

Graduate Teaching Assistant for classes: Analytical Inquiry, Intro to Computer Science II

Parkland College

Object Oriented Software Development Certificate May 2015

Main courses:
Computer Science (Java), Computer Science (C++), Data Structure, Introduction to Linux, Mobile application development, Statistics

Sun Yat-Sen University

Master and Bachelor of Management in Public Relations June 2011

Main courses:
Public Relations Theory, Marketing Management, Principle of Advertising, Mass Communication Theory, Social Psychology, Public Relations Writing, Organization Behavior



Market Development Manager Shenzhen, China August 2012 - April 2013

  • Enhanced brand awareness through developing and implementing integrated advertising plans for new smart phone product.
  • Aided in developing customized operating system and established application service partners.
  • Developed new sales channel through negotiating with telecommunication operators.
  • Promoted brand image to suppliers, sales agency and media through copywriting and presentation.
  • China Telecom,Inc

    Account Manager Shenzhen, China July 2011 - July 2012

  • Responded successfully to over 30 business and government clients to solve any telecommunication technical problems.
  • Boosted sales revenue of existing account by $26700 per year.
  • Organized various public relations and promotion campaigns to improve customer relationships and foster sales.
  • Caixin Media

    Journalist Intern Shenzhen, China July 2010 - August 2010

  • Gathered news materials covering finance & economics and interviewed relevant people for investigative reports.
  • Assisted editors in information gathering and wrote news reports; reports were released on Century Weekly.
  • Unilever

    Sales Analyst Intern Guangzhou, China Feb 2009 - April 2009

  • Assisted in developing sales plans, and cooperated with key clients to foster sale.
  • Made sales reports and initial analysis to help improve sales strategies.
  • Followed up product promotion campaigns and analyzed the effectiveness.
  • Ruder Finn

    PR Account Coordinator Intern Guangzhou, China April 2008 - July 2008

  • Organized and prepared for media conference and gala dinner for Emirates Project.
  • Expanded network for Emirates Airline by establishing relationships with important corporate partners.
  • My Life

    • You have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something–your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.

      Steve Jobs

      Volunteered in "Illini Fighting Hunger" meal package on the Community & Campus Day of Service. April, 2013
    • Proceed and be bold.

      Embracing the unknown and enjoying the sense of achievement. Willis Tower, Chicago, June, 2013
    • Gain happiness while helping and volunteering.

      Lead web developer of English Corner to help upgrade its website and marketing, Champaign, July, 2015
    • Love the Lake Michigan! June, 2013
    • Enjoy the football game. Fighting Illini! August, 2013
    • Have my precious baby girl. April,2015

    Get In Touch.

    Thank you for browsing my personal website. I like to cooperate with people and make friends.

    Please feel free to contact me if you are interested or have any questions!


    Le Chang
    Email: lechangcs AT gmail DOT com